Zebrium Release Notes, EA-84 to EA-85

This release notes file covers the latest Early Access (EA) releases from Zebrium:

  • The EA-85 release includes enhancements to filtering by tags on the Alerts page and improved handling of spikes on the Timeline on the Alerts page.
  • The EA-84 release contains significant updates to the Zebrium user interface, including improvements to the workflows for accepting and rejecting suggestions for potential alerts.

New Features and Enhancements in EA-85

The following features are included in the EA-85 release of Zebrium:

  • In the Timeline on the Alerts page, enhanced the behavior for a "spike", which appears when too many suggestions or alerts exist for a specific time for the user interface to show them all. In the Timeline widget, Zebrium now retains the list of other alerts when you drill down to view the contents of a spike, and it also retains the list of the alerts in the spike from the cache.
  • You can select a tag for a suggestion or an alert in the Timeline on the Alerts page, and the RCA report page for that suggestion or alert will be filtered by that tag.
  • You can filter the list of suggestions and alerts on the Alerts page by the logtype (logbasename) and ML Routing Rules.

New Features and Enhancements in EA-84

This section covers the features that are included in the EA-84 release of Zebrium.

Updates to Zebrium Terminology

  • The terminology in the Zebrium user interface was updated to the following:

    • Suggested alert rules are now suggestions.
    • Rejected alert rules are now rejected alerts.
    • Custom alert rules are now custom alerts.
    • Accepted alert rules are now accepted alerts.

New ScienceLogic Dashboard Widget Integration

  • You can create a new ScienceLogic Dashboard Widget Integration in the Zebrium user interface. You can use the values for the Endpoint URL, Deployment ID, and Access Token in that integration to create the SL1 "Root Cause Timeline" widget to monitor suggestions and alerts for Zebrium in the SL1 user interface. Please note that the "Root Cause Timeline" widget is available in SL1 version 12.1.0 and later.

  • Used the Deployment ID from the SL1 Service Connections page to connect the SL1 user with the Zebrium user interface. Please note that the Service Connections page is available in SL1 version 12.1.0 and later.

Updated Workflows for Accepting and Rejecting Suggestions

  • The workflow and options for accepting and rejecting a suggestion were updated in the following ways:

    • If you accept a suggestion, Zebrium creates a rule for the settings for that suggestion in the future. Accepting a suggestion turns it into an accepted alert and creates a rule for future alerts.
    • If you accept a suggestion but no longer want to use it as a rule, you can revert it to make the rule a suggestion again.
    • If you reject a suggestion, Zebrium will hide the suggestion on the Alerts page, and will not notify you of future occurrences of the same suggestion type.
    • The reject dialog has an option that lets you "ignore" a suggestion if you are not sure if it is a good suggestion, but other members of your team will still have the option of reviewing the suggestion. The suggestion will still appear on the Alerts page, but will not generate a suggestion in the future.
    • You can restore a rejected alert by filtering for Rejected Alerts, navigating to the RCA report page for that alert, and clicking Restore & Accept. The alert is restored and marked as accepted, and Zebrium creates a rule based on the selected event keys.

Updates to the Root Cause Report Pages

  • Root Cause report pages for suggestions now have a yellow Suggested by AI/ML heading at the top of the report, along with a green Accept button and a red Reject button.

  • The layout of Root Cause report pages was modified for easier reading.

Additional Features

  • The Zebrium Documentation is now available in both PDF and HTML format, and the documentation includes a new "Getting Started" chapter, a new "Working with Suggestions and Root Cause Reports" chapter, and updated procedures and screenshots for the new user interface updates.

To view the complete Zebrium documentation online, see Zebrium Documentation.

Known Issues

The Zebrium releases listed in this document have no known issues.